26 min read



Exercise 6 | Support Vector Machines

============ Part 1: Loading and Visualizing Data =============

from ex6 import *
%matplotlib inline
print('Loading and Visualizing Data ...')

# Load from ex6data1: 
# You will have X, y in your environment
from scipy import io as sio
data = sio.loadmat('ex6data1.mat')
X = data['X']
y = data['y'].reshape(-1)

# Plot training data
plotData(X, y)
Loading and Visualizing Data ...


================ Part 2: Training Linear SVM ================


\[k = X_i^TX_j\]
# Load from ex6data1: 
# You will have X, y in your environment
data = sio.loadmat('ex6data1.mat')
X = data['X']
y = data['y'].reshape(-1)

print('Training Linear SVM ...')

from sklearn import svm
# You should try to change the C value below and see how the decision
# boundary varies (e.g., try C = 1000)
C = 1000
clf = svm.SVC(C=C, kernel=linearKernel, tol=1e-3, max_iter=-1)
model =, y)
visualizeBoundaryLinear(X, y, model)
Training Linear SVM ...


============ Part 3: Implementing Gaussian Kernel ============


\[k = e^{-\frac{(X_i - X_j)^T(X_i - X_j)}{2\sigma^2}}\]
print('Evaluating the Gaussian Kernel ...')

x1 = np.array([1, 2, 1])
x2 = np.array([0, 4, -1])
sigma = 2
sim = np.asscalar(gaussianKernel(x1.reshape(1, -1), x2.reshape(1, -1), sigma))

print(f'Gaussian Kernel between x1 = [1; 2; 1], x2 = [0; 4; -1], sigma = {sigma:g} :'
         f'\n\t{sim:f}\n(for sigma = 2, this value should be about 0.324652)')
Evaluating the Gaussian Kernel ...
Gaussian Kernel between x1 = [1; 2; 1], x2 = [0; 4; -1], sigma = 2 :
(for sigma = 2, this value should be about 0.324652)

=============== Part 4: Visualizing Dataset 2 ================

print('Loading and Visualizing Data ...')

# Load from ex6data2: 
# You will have X, y in your environment
data = sio.loadmat('ex6data2.mat')
X = data['X']
y = data['y'].reshape(-1)

# Plot training data
plotData(X, y)
Loading and Visualizing Data ...


======= Part 5: Training SVM with RBF Kernel (Dataset 2) =======

print('Training SVM with RBF Kernel (this may take 1 to 2 minutes) ...')

# Load from ex6data2: 
# You will have X, y in your environment
data = sio.loadmat('ex6data2.mat')
X = data['X']
y = data['y'].reshape(-1)

# SVM Parameters
C = 1
sigma = 0.1

# We set the tolerance and max_passes lower here so that the code will run
# faster. However, in practice, you will want to run the training to
# convergence.
import warnings
clf = svm.SVC(C=C, kernel=lambda x1, x2: gaussianKernel(x1, x2, sigma))
model =, y)
visualizeBoundary(X, y, model)
Training SVM with RBF Kernel (this may take 1 to 2 minutes) ...


=============== Part 6: Visualizing Dataset 3 ================

print('Loading and Visualizing Data ...')

# Load from ex6data3: 
# You will have X, y in your environment
data = sio.loadmat('ex6data3.mat')
X = data['X']
y = data['y'].reshape(-1)

# Plot training data
plotData(X, y)
Loading and Visualizing Data ...


======= Part 7: Training SVM with RBF Kernel (Dataset 3) =======

# Load from ex6data3: 
# You will have X, y in your environment
data = sio.loadmat('ex6data3.mat')
X = data['X']
y = data['y'].reshape(-1)
Xval = data['Xval']
yval = data['yval'].reshape(-1)

# Try different SVM Parameters here
C, sigma = dataset3Params(X, y, Xval, yval)

# Train the SVM
clf = svm.SVC(C=C, kernel=lambda x1, x2: gaussianKernel(x1, x2, sigma))
model =, y)
visualizeBoundary(X, y, model)



Exercise 6 | Spam Classification with SVMs

================ Part 1: Email Preprocessing ================

from ex6_spam import *
print('Preprocessing sample email (emailSample1.txt)')

# Extract Features
file_contents = readFile('emailSample1.txt')
word_indices  = processEmail(file_contents)

# Print Stats
print('Word Indices: ')
print(f' {word_indices}')
Preprocessing sample email (emailSample1.txt)
==== Processed Email ====

anyon know how much it cost to host a web portal well it depend on how mani 
visitor you re expect thi can be anywher from less than number buck a month 
to a coupl of dollarnumb you should checkout httpaddr or perhap amazon ecnumb 
if your run someth big to unsubscrib yourself from thi mail list send an 
email to emailaddr 

Word Indices: 
 [85, 915, 793, 1076, 882, 369, 1698, 789, 1821, 1830, 882, 430, 1170, 793, 1001, 1892, 1363, 591, 1675, 237, 161, 88, 687, 944, 1662, 1119, 1061, 1698, 374, 1161, 478, 1892, 1509, 798, 1181, 1236, 809, 1894, 1439, 1546, 180, 1698, 1757, 1895, 687, 1675, 991, 960, 1476, 70, 529, 1698, 530]

================= Part 2: Feature Extraction =================

print('Extracting features from sample email (emailSample1.txt)')

# Extract Features
file_contents = readFile('emailSample1.txt')
word_indices  = processEmail(file_contents)
features      = emailFeatures(word_indices)

# Print Stats
print(f'Length of feature vector: {len(features)}')
print(f'Number of non-zero entries: {sum(features > 0)}')
Extracting features from sample email (emailSample1.txt)
==== Processed Email ====

anyon know how much it cost to host a web portal well it depend on how mani 
visitor you re expect thi can be anywher from less than number buck a month 
to a coupl of dollarnumb you should checkout httpaddr or perhap amazon ecnumb 
if your run someth big to unsubscrib yourself from thi mail list send an 
email to emailaddr 

Length of feature vector: 1899
Number of non-zero entries: 45

========= Part 3: Train Linear SVM for Spam Classification ======

# Load the Spam Email dataset
# You will have X, y in your environment
from scipy import io as sio
data = sio.loadmat('spamTrain.mat')
X = data['X']
y = data['y'].reshape(-1)

print('Training Linear SVM (Spam Classification)')
print('(this may take 1 to 2 minutes) ...')

from sklearn import svm
C = 0.1
clf = svm.SVC(C=C, kernel='linear'), y)

p = clf.predict(X)

print(f'Training Accuracy: {(p == y).mean() * 100:f}')
Training Linear SVM (Spam Classification)
(this may take 1 to 2 minutes) ...
Training Accuracy: 99.825000

================ Part 4: Test Spam Classification =============

# Load the test dataset
# You will have Xtest, ytest in your environment
data = sio.loadmat('spamTest.mat')
Xtest = data['Xtest']
ytest = data['ytest'].reshape(-1)

print('Evaluating the trained Linear SVM on a test set ...')

p = clf.predict(Xtest)

print(f'Test Accuracy: {(p == ytest).mean() * 100:f}')
Evaluating the trained Linear SVM on a test set ...
Test Accuracy: 98.900000

============= Part 5: Top Predictors of Spam ================

# Sort the weights and obtin the vocabulary list
weight = np.sort(clf.coef_[0])[::-1]
idx = clf.coef_[0].argsort()[::-1]
vocabList = getVocabList()

print('Top predictors of spam: ')
for i in range(15):
    print(f' {vocabList[idx[i]]} ({weight[i]:f}) ')
Top predictors of spam: 
 our (0.500614) 
 click (0.465916) 
 remov (0.422869) 
 guarante (0.383622) 
 visit (0.367710) 
 basenumb (0.345064) 
 dollar (0.323632) 
 will (0.269724) 
 price (0.267298) 
 pleas (0.261169) 
 most (0.257298) 
 nbsp (0.253941) 
 lo (0.253467) 
 ga (0.248297) 
 hour (0.246404) 

=============== Part 6: Try Your Own Emails =================

# Set the file to be read in (change this to spamSample2.txt,
# emailSample1.txt or emailSample2.txt to see different predictions on
# different emails types). Try your own emails as well!
filenames = ['spamSample1.txt', 'spamSample2.txt', 'emailSample1.txt', 'emailSample2.txt']

for filename in filenames:
    # Read and predict
    file_contents = readFile(filename)
    word_indices  = processEmail(file_contents)
    x             = emailFeatures(word_indices)
    p = clf.predict(x.reshape(1, -1))

    print(f'Processed {filename}\n\nSpam Classification: {p}')
    print('(1 indicates spam, 0 indicates not spam)')
==== Processed Email ====

do you want to make dollarnumb or more per week if you are a motiv and 
qualifi individu i will person demonstr to you a system that will make you 
dollarnumb number per week or more thi is not mlm call our number hour 
prerecord number to get the detail numbernumbernumb i need peopl who want to 
make seriou money make the call and get the fact invest number minut in 
yourself now numbernumbernumb look forward to your call and i will introduc 
you to peopl like yourself who are current make dollarnumb number plu per 
week numbernumbernumb 

Processed spamSample1.txt

Spam Classification: [1]
(1 indicates spam, 0 indicates not spam)
==== Processed Email ====

best buy viagra gener onlin viagra numbermg x number pill dollarnumb free 
pill reorder discount top sell number qualiti satisfact guarante we accept 
visa master echeck payment number satisfi custom httpaddr 

Processed spamSample2.txt

Spam Classification: [1]
(1 indicates spam, 0 indicates not spam)
==== Processed Email ====

anyon know how much it cost to host a web portal well it depend on how mani 
visitor you re expect thi can be anywher from less than number buck a month 
to a coupl of dollarnumb you should checkout httpaddr or perhap amazon ecnumb 
if your run someth big to unsubscrib yourself from thi mail list send an 
email to emailaddr 

Processed emailSample1.txt

Spam Classification: [0]
(1 indicates spam, 0 indicates not spam)
==== Processed Email ====

folk my first time post have a bit of unix experi but am new to linux just 
got a new pc at home dell box with window xp ad a second hard disk for linux 
partit the disk and have instal suse number number from cd which went fine 
except it didn t pick up my monitor i have a dell brand enumberfpp number lcd 
flat panel monitor and a nvidia geforcenumb tinumb video card both of which 
are probabl too new to featur in suse s default set i download a driver from 
the nvidia websit and instal it use rpm then i ran saxnumb as wa recommend in 
some post i found on the net but it still doesn t featur my video card in the 
avail list what next anoth problem i have a dell brand keyboard and if i hit 
capslock twice the whole machin crash in linux not window even the on off 
switch is inact leav me to reach for the power cabl instead if anyon can help 
me in ani way with these prob i d be realli grate i ve search the net but 
have run out of idea or should i be go for a differ version of linux such as 
redhat opinion welcom thank a lot peter irish linux user group emailaddr 
httpaddr for un subscript inform list maintain emailaddr 

Processed emailSample2.txt

Spam Classification: [0]
(1 indicates spam, 0 indicates not spam)

Todo: Build Your Own Dataset

Data from
